Categorized | CPA, Trade

Do you have something better to do?



Please join us for CPA’s 2013 Legislative Fly In on March 12-14, 2013.

We need to convince our Representatives and Senators to fix the trade deficit so we stop shipping our jobs and wealth to other countries.

The single most important viewpoint for a legislator is yours: their constituent.   capitol

There is no more efficient, cost effective way for you or me to hit this many legislative offices in just a couple of days.

The earlier you sign up, the better we can arrange Senate and House meetings for you and your team.

You can view the full schedule here.

The Fly In is free (well, there’s a $40 for the March 12 dinner, but it’s optional, and after all, you’ve got to eat sometime!)  It’s covered by CPA dues and donations to the CPA Education Fund.  You pay for your travel costs, room and board.

Register today!

For more information, contact Sara Haimowitz, CPA Development Coordinator (202-688-5145 or [email protected]).

I hope to see you there!


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Action: Sign on to 21st Century Trade Agreement Principles

Let's tell Congress how to improve trade agreements to benefit America.

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Ian Fletcher’s: “The Conservative Case Against Free Trade”

Ian Fletcher’s “Free Trade Doesn’t Work”