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Job Fear From Trade Deficit Is What Happened To Jobs And The Middle Class


Reposted from Campaign for America’s Future


Job Fear From Trade Deficit Is What Happened To Jobs And The Middle Class

Dave Johnson  |  July 11, 2012  |  Campaign for America’s Future

The middle class is disappearing. Our economy is “hollowing out” because the money goes to the top and the people fall to the bottom. This is because we allow American companies to close factories here and open them there, shipping the same goods back here to sell in the same stores, costing jobs, companies, industries and our economy. This makes us afraid for our own jobs and afraid to make waves. By helping a few at the top get fabulously rich, China has essentially recruited our own businesses leaders to fight against our own government - and us.

Yesterday’s Jobs Emergency Hollowing Out The Middle Class examined the reasons that our economy has shifted in ways that enrich a few at the top while the rest of us fall further and further behind. This is called “hollowing out” because the middle class is disappearing while the money goes to the top and the people fall to the bottom. In it I quoted Dean Baker on the real cause of the hollowing out. I want to repeat this part of the post for emphasis. Baker writes that last decade’s manufacturing job loss is because of the trade deficit. From the post:

Dean Baker responds, in Income Is Definitely Being Redistributed Upward, but Why Do We Think It’s Technology? at the Center for Economic and Policy Research’s Beat the Press, (emphasis added to emphasize):

…the piece refers to the millions of manufacturing jobs that the United States lost over the last decade. The biggest factor behind the job loss was not technology; productivity growth in manufacturing was not markedly faster in the 2000s than in prior decades. The main factor leading to job loss was the growing U.S. trade deficit.

The predicted result of an over-valued dollar is the loss of jobs and lower wages in the sectors of the economy that are exposed to international competition. However, the availability of low-cost imports raises the living standards of those who are protected from international competition.

The latter group would include highly paid professionals, like doctors and lawyers. Note that it is not technology that protects these professionals from seeing their wages depressed by competition from their low-paid counterparts in the developing world, it is deliberate policy. While it has been the explicit goal of trade policy to put manufacturing workers in direct competition with workers in the developing world, the barriers that make it difficult for qualified doctors, dentists, and lawyers in the developing world to work in the United States have been left in place or strengthened.

Once again, for even more emphasis: “The main factor leading to job loss was the growing U.S. trade deficit. The predicted result of an over-valued dollar is the loss of jobs and lower wages in the sectors of the economy that are exposed to international competition. … it is deliberate policy.”

And for more emphasis: “The main factor leading to job loss was the growing U.S. trade deficit. The predicted result of an over-valued dollar is the loss of jobs and lower wages in the sectors of the economy that are exposed to international competition. … it is deliberate policy.”

Job Fear

When you close factories and ship them out of the country people lose their jobs. And the rest of the people are afraid of losing their jobs, so they “keep their heads down.” Companies can make them accept lower wages. They work longer hours. They even stop taking vacations and sick days. They certainly don’t ask for raises or better working conditions. This terrible job fear everyone has helps a few at the top get even richer.

This is why corporate profits are the highest ever. From the recent post, Here Is Why Our Elites Are Not Fixing The Economy,

When we had democracy, We, the People made the rules and we ran our country and our economy for our benefit. Now that we are a plutocracy things are different. The reason our elites are not doing anything to fix the economy is because from their viewpoint, things are just fine.

… The reason our leaders are not doing anything to fix the economy is because, from the viewpoint of our real leaders, the economy is working just fine.

Trade Deficit Is The Root

From last month’s post, Trade Deficit - One Root Of Many Problems,

You buy things till your wallet is empty. So you raid the savings account to buy more stuff. Then you get a loan, and buy more stuff. Another loan, another, you keep buying stuff… Finally you’re selling off the tools you had used to make a living. That’s where the country is now because of the huge imbalance in our trade relationships. We buy more from them than they buy from us and we have let this go on and on and on. Thisis the deficit we should be worried about.

The Root

Pick a national problem, and the odds are that our trade imbalance is aggravating it. Our trade deficitsliterally suck money out of the country. When looking up the numbers I had to double check, our annual trade deficits are so huge. In the chart below that first line under the dates represents $100 billion. Look at what happened in the late 90s, when we opened the China flodgates. (Click to enlarge):


In the 70′s the trade balance dipped below zero because of oil, and the country responded with conservation and the beginning of the search for alternatives — until Reagan. To make matters worse, Reagan preached “free trade” — as in use cheap foreign labor to break American unions. (But Reagan also enforced rules against “dumping” and other trade violations.) The real break in our balance of trade clearly begins around the time that NAFTA and the World Trade Organization went into effect, and then went absolutely nuts after China was brought in. Between 2001 and 2009 we lost 1/3 of all of our manufacturing jobs, more than 50,000 factories, and entire industries. We drained trillions of dollars out of our economy.

Why Can’t We Fix This?

This is so hard to fix because the trade imbalance that drains our country transfers great wealth and tremendous power to a few. The trade deficit results from allowing companies to just pack up American factories and industries and move them to China. This lowers labor costs, which translates to profits for the few at the top. This wealthy few use some of that wealth to buy off our government and shower us with propaganda to let them keep this scheme going. And it creates jobs fear.

Job fear makes people want to “keep their heads down,” not make waves, not appear demanding or ungrateful, lest they lose their jobs. It keeps people inside. It keeps people from organizing unions. The organizers are fired, and the threat to just hire cheaper people if you don’t stop this is very real. People are afraid.

High unemployment helps the rich get richer. It brings them more power. Every claim to “create jobs” gains power, be it through cutting taxes on big corporations, cutting government oversight of what corporations do, passing laws restricting unions, you name it — hand the treasury over to big corporation sand they will “create jobs.”

So don’t count on the “job creators” to be creating very many jobs, as long as high unemployment means the highest profits in history, and a “job fear” public that will vote to support any big-corporate scheme that promises to “create jobs.”

In Why Can’t Apple Make Your IPhone In America?, presented at Netroots Nation,

When people have a say they say they want better pay, health care, retirement, vacations, sick pay, protections, worker safety, clean environment and taxes to support the country – things like that – the very things China offers to let our businesses escape from.

So what China offers is that China is “business-friendly.” Because people there do not have a say, so they can’t ask for the things people should have.

Corporate conservatives here say we should be more business friendly, we should lower wages, lower taxes, stop taking care of the environment, stop all those pesky health and safety and environmental inspections, stop telling businesses what they can and cannot do, and all the rest. They say we should be more like China.

What they are saying is that we should abandon the benefits that democracy brought to We, the People – the 99%

in order to enrich a few people – the 1%.

When we opened up our borders to goods from China, and let this treatment of workers and the environment offer advantages to our elites,

we made democracy a competitive disadvantage.

… China offers these things to our business leaders for a reason. This is the reason : China sees itself as a country, and we no longer do.

China competes with us as a country. But our businesses see themselves as GLOBALIZED, not as part of a country.

So since we – at least our businesses – no longer see themselves as part of a country we are not responding to this competition. We are not mobilizing to fight back.

In fact, China has essentially recruited our own business leaders to fight against our own government.

By helping a few at the top get rich China has essentially recruited our own businesses leaders to fight against our own government.

Again: By helping a few at the top get rich China has essentially recruited our own businesses leaders to fight against our own government — and us.


4 Responses to “Job Fear From Trade Deficit Is What Happened To Jobs And The Middle Class”

  1. Joe Brooks says:

    “China has essentially recruited our own businesses leaders to fight against our own government – and us”

    Well, they ARE Communists. The Cold War, did not end in 91. The above is a description of a large part of the Cold War in a sentence. The Chinese are using economic warfare instead of munitions, for now. This has been going on a long time; excerpt from JFK speech 4/27/1961 “The President and the Press”

     ”It requires a change in outlook, a change in tactics, a change in missions-by the government, by the people, by every businessman or labor leader, and by every newspaper. For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence-on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.”

    Read and hear it here:

  2. Bruce Bishop says:

    After decades of battling with an increasingly hostile and increasingly powerful government, our manufacturers finally “escape” through a “door” (NAFTA/WTO) created by that same government. It’s almost as if our government was TRYING to get rid of manufacturing.

    • Tom T. says:

      It is all about the rules of competition. Germany has many for their industries but they are still successful. We, on the other hand, have many for U.S. domestic businesses but none for the foreign goods coming in. When goods lose their costs, they become more competitive. The costs of decent wages for labor, environmental concerns, crony capitalist rules and regulations, and others are not levied against foreign goods and so they are cheaper.

      Our policy is one of self destruction. Germany’s is one of preeminence of their economy. China’s is one of preeminence of a totalitarian government and ours is of decline of the middle class and rise of the oligarchs.

      It is all about policy. Whether they admit it or not, the facts speak for themselves.

      Tom T.

  3. Significant Milestones

    03 Jun 2010 we found the reason that the newly formed millions of middle class in China and India would go the way of the middle class in America.

    “We have been seeing wage inflation over the past several months,’’ said Chris Ruffle, who helps manage $19 billion as China co-chairman of Martin Currie Ltd. Rising salaries may prompt businesses that operate plants in China to move to lower-cost countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia, Ruffle said

    You can view that article at

    18 Jan 2011 we developed three simple rules that will allow free trade on a global basis and at the same time put an end to the global sweatshops that our corporations have been funding:

    It is OK to grow, raise or manufacture your products here in America and sell them to other countries and the same applies to those countries.
    It is OK to open retail or manufacturing branches in other countries to offset the shipping problems as long as you hire the locals to work in those countries.
    It is NOT OK to put the people in your country out of work, send the growing, raising or manufacturing to another country and then import those products back into your country.
    25 Jun 2011 we found the reason that the middle class of America was being slowly but surely destroyed.

    The U.S.-based CEO of one of the world’s largest hedge funds told me that his firm’s investment committee often discusses the question of who wins and who loses in today’s economy. In a recent internal debate, he said, one of his senior colleagues had argued that the hollowing-out of the American middle class didn’t really matter. “His point was that if the transformation of the world economy lifts four people in China and India out of poverty and into the middle class, and meanwhile means one American drops out of the middle class, that’s not such a bad trade,” the CEO recalled.

    11 Jun 2012 we found the best explanation as to why Americans are saying they can’t find work and Corporations are saying that they can’t find employees.

    03 Jul 2012 we found the reason that the employers in America were slowly being forced out of business.

    I’m an 81-year-old retired apparel manufacturer. I had five factories, and all of them were here in Texas. I was producing apparel for JC Penney’s, Sears, Montgomery Ward’s, and a multitude of independent stores, small chains. I had a business and I built it up to $50 million a year, which was a pretty good size back in the 60’s, 70’s and 80s.When I started my companies, I said we’re going to do everything possible to make conditions as good as possible and wages as good as possible. Not out of the goodness of our heart, but I believed if we treat people right and pay reasonable wages and have good working conditions that we’ll have good, productive workers. And it worked for us. I hired the best engineering firms in the country to come in and make my plants the most modern plants in my industry: productive, efficient.

    I’m out there competing with the rest of the manufacturers in this country—I probably had a thousand competitors. But we had the best, most efficient plants, I could be priced efficiently.

    Walmart would squeeze you so much on prices that you couldn’t do these things and remain manufacturing in this country.

    I was president of the Southwestern Apparel Manufacturers Association. There was a meeting sometime between 1985 and 1990. Walmart had contacted our organization and asked if they could meet with us at our beautiful Apparel Mart we had here in Dallas, which has now been razed, because all the independent merchants don’t exist that used to come to it. Two people from Walmart came down and they said they were going to be sourcing goods from overseas and we would have to meet those prices for consumer products and to get ready for it—we are going to be sourcing the world. Walmart was the only company that came out and said this.

    It was sort of shocking: I was selling them some merchandise at the time. On the back of their trucks it was saying “Bring it Back to America!” They had the big “keep it in America” program going at that time on the big signs in the stores. Meanwhile when I reminded the buyer of that, she told me, “that is just for domestic consumption, we’re going to buy at the cheapest we can anywhere on earth.”

    I could see that if you’re going to be a player in the apparel industry you’re going to have to sell Walmart: they were just too big a user. Their orders were like telephone numbers— the quantity. You don’t negotiate prices with Walmart because they can just tell you what they’re going to pay and that’s it. You got to make it cheaper than you did last year.

    People didn’t start importing from overseas because they wanted to. They did it because they had to, to survive. Those that didn’t join in the club are not around anymore.

    I could see the handwriting on the wall.

    Click here to read the original article.


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